You may be cleaning your toilet all wrong

“When you use the brush to scrub the bowl, the bacteria from stools is transferred onto the bristles. If it is then placed back in the holder, the moist conditions provide the perfect environment for the nasty bacteria to multiply. Over time, they build up, making the brush you use to clean the loo with […]

Toilet brush, is it your ally?

“You might think a toilet brush is your ally when it comes to the battle against germs but it turns out it could actually be hindering your hygiene efforts rather than helping them.”  

Ditch your toilet brush

Bloomfield agrees that the general toilet brush is unhygienic.  “It had never occurred to me – nor the environmentalists interviewed – that there might be another way to clean a toilet. But MacKenzie says this is an issue that needs to be addressed. She would never let a toilet brush enter her house. “Toilet brushes […]

When should I disinfect my toilet?

“Toilets should be disinfected at least once a day. Toilets and restrooms can be potential health hazards, if not disinfected regularly. There are some parts of the restroom that need to be addressed more frequently than others. The toilet seats and tap handles should be sanitized every day with an antibacterial cleaner. The restroom mirrors […]